Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Flower Child Legacy?

Sometimes I wonder if at some not yet revealed time,  a time with not yet established cultural rules and mores, if someone somewhere might encounter my journals, or my blogs posts or anything else I have written.
I wonder what they will think of it. What will they do with it? Will it arouse curiosity about the day to day life of a woman in the 20th and early 21st century? Will they toss it aside as useless clutter, or will they open a page, interact with a statement or paragraph and maybe they will slip it into a pocket of whatever futuristic gear they are wearing.
Beyond that the finder may forget about the book stashed n their pocket until while searching in frustration for a cigarette (or some other equivalent addiction) will grab the book, give it a puzzled or annoyed look before tossing it aside.
Or maybe they will scurry home and by the privacy of whatever light source illuminates the pages, she or he sits cross-legged on a bed, munching absentmindedly at a sandwich (or whatever manner of food source they eat in the future) and devouring my words.
"It's so retro" she'll say, bright eyes shining with persuasion and guile. Her listener will eventually, or quickly, relent and agree to read it as well.
Suddenly I'm an iconic voice from the past, an Anne Frank or Victor Frankl, only with much less severe tragedy.
How will my hardships, my 'tragedy', rate in their era? Will they be living in a militarily controlled world plagued by bloodthirsty gangs running wild in the streets? Will there be water shortages, power blackouts and curfews? Or will we finally learn to live together, to respect one another. If we cannot at least respect and accept each other will we have devised a way to maintain separate
living spaces, each with their own rules in effect so long as no one group encroaches upon or violates the safety and integrity of another group or tribe.
Either way, will anyone out there feel drawn in,  and connected to, the personal story of a  20th century woman who was always just a little different than all the other kids.
artwork courtesy of Elly Hazard


  1. I've always thought those of us born in 1960 or shortly after have been treated to a unique place in time. By the time I was in my double digits, weed smoking was a family affair. Then came the LSD, complete with advice from Alan Watts, Carlos Castanada and my personal bible, The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test. We grew up with evening curfews due to the protests in the streets, some of them staged at the Mayor's home which was just a few blocks from our own. I suspect your future readers will be enthralled and instantly roped in by your narrative. It will not be "tossed aside." <3

    1. Thank you :) we were blessed with a dynamic time in history, a time of rapid change and Liberation. With the advent of a wider reach of communication I hope lots of our stories will survive to carry on the passionate last for life that we experienced.

    2. Thank you :) we were blessed with a dynamic time in history, a time of rapid change and Liberation. With the advent of a wider reach of communication I hope lots of our stories will survive to carry on the passionate last for life that we experienced.
